Tag Archives: healing

Artist Imagery based on Poem

Close My Eyes and Run

I was playing a game on my phone, losing over and over at a particular level. Frustration started to overtake me. Ha! Over a silly game, my emotions were having a party. I have experienced bigger failures than losing at a phone game, and not felt so defeated. I know that I can beat this level with just a few more moves. The thing is I don’t have any more moves left. I am running in circles in my head trying to figure out how to outsmart this level, and then It hits me. He hits me with an “aha” moment. This is what I look like when I try to run the race on my own. Do you know what I am talking about?

In the phone game, I can earn or buy power-ups or extra lives. In real life, I am either running on my own steam or by His strength. I cannot earn or buy anything to help me. There is only one name that has the power to redeem, rescue and save me in my race. So often as a Christian, it is easy to forget just how much the Gospel still applies to me. It applies to every part of my race to the finish line, to the goal. As today moved on, I struggled with the fact that until I have finished the race, I will carry this battle-worn body. This body and earthly mind have all the wounds and scars of the years of abuse. Just like in the game, I could run in circles trying to bypass what the Lord is walking me through on my own, or surrender to the difficult path and allow Him to do the work of unraveling my broken and messy heart. 

Unlike my phone game, I didn’t succumb to failure. Instead, I journaled, turned on praise music and let my heart be free before the Founder and Perfecter of my faith, Christ Jesus.(Hebrews 12:1-2) Out of this time of unsettled waters, came the poem below. It is deep and real. I pray that anyone feeling trapped in any kind of abuse or trafficking would know that there is Power and hope in the Name of Christ. Please reach out. 

Close My Eyes

Close my eyes, I hear a song
His hands move to the beat
Rushing, rushing, beating, slow. 
Tears escape as I pray for the day to end
Day one

Close my eyes, I hear it again
Hands move to the beat, different hands with his.
Rushing, beating, slow and repeat
Tears sink deep as I pray for the day or maybe the week to end.

Close my body, I see the song play
So many hands move to the beat, money and words mixing
Rushing, beating, slow and repeat.
Babies removed as tears rush through my prayers for the years to end

Close my eyes, I hear a song
Hands all around, don’t skip a beat
Rushing, beating, slow and repeat.
Tears, tears as I ask when will I belong to me?
Four, Five, Six and on and on.

Close my eyes, I hear a song
Redemption’s Hands lift me up
Ragged, blood rushing, heart half-beating
Slowly tears of relief come
Dear Christ Jesus: Day One

Copyright 6July2020 Rowena Slusser

Self Portrait

Broken Pieces

Body memories are something I had never heard of before that dreadful memory came into full view. I had them but didn’t know what was happening. I knew that I had been raped when Casey was at training, but I couldn’t remember the details. Then one day, a pair of eyes brought every detail into focus. Then body memories shattered my healing journey, or so I thought.

How often I look back on my younger years of marriage and long for the freedom I felt then. I had less sexual inhibitions with my husband, even though my healing was still so raw. Experimenting with husband was scary and exciting. I had waited until meeting Casey to give my broken heart away. I wanted to experience new things with him. I wanted to GIVE him myself, something I had never experienced. So I had prayed to my Heavenly Father, asking Him to help me protect my heart from anymore scavengers. 

Surviving incest, rape and trafficking for sixteen years had taken its toll on my mind, and heart. I had no thought to the ravaging effects on my body. In the earlier years of dating and marriage, there were extremes. Extreme flashbacks, where I would push my boyfriend/husband away in fear and uncertainty, then when I calmed down, wanting to explore and try something new and exciting. I just wanted to be free with my love. My desire was to feel everything I could with Casey. I would push though physical pain, not realizing that I was doing this. I was pushing through body memories. 

More of my life has been made clear to me. I have survived forced abortions. My young body was tortured with raw instruments to end life growing in me. New body memories were created and locked deep away. I have had issues that caused me to loose the ability to have anymore children. Thankfully, God redeemed my losses of life with two beautiful children, a son and a daughter. Later, due to the effects of the forced abortions, I had to have a complete hysterectomy. I still have severe body memories from the horror I was put through by my pimp.

As the years have passed, the Lord Jesus has been faithful to heal my mind of the lies that have been buried deep, due to all the sexual depravity that was forced on me. Mentally, I have learned to see negative thoughts and capture them to the obedience of Christ. I have continually renewed my mind in Christ Jesus. (Romans 12:1-2) I have learned not to live in my feelings, but to be sober-minded and walk in the truth because Jesus is the truth. (John 14:6) For all the work that Christ has done in me and through my obedience to Him, I have found in my most recent years a lack of physical freedom with my husband, who is my most precious gift from the Father. 

With each new memory that is brought to a place of clarity, my body seems to shut down, even as my mind and heart are healing. This is the reality of body memories. Did you know that the body remembers what the mind doesn’t want to or can’t handle? The body remembers everything! These last few years I have prayed for freedom, and still my body hurts and responds to my husband’s touch in unwelcoming ways. I long for my husband. He loves me so very well. He is a walking picture of Christ Jesus love for me. I want to make love to him. I want to be wild and free with my husband, but all I have is broken piece to give!

And then, one night, after my husband has tried yet again to pursue me, a body memory stops it all. All I can think is what a scourge I am to my husband! Do you know what a scourge is? Let me tell you. From the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a scourge is 1: a whip, especially one used to inflict pain or punishment, 2: an instrument of punishment or criticism, 3: a cause of wide or great affliction. For me, I thought I was cause of great pain and affliction to Casey. When I finally spoke to him, I told him that I was a scourge on him. 

Casey, a man full of loving firmness, told me to look at him. I was very resistant. I knew that there was love in his eyes, and I was most definitely unlovable. I couldn’t even perform my wifely duties, thanks to these damn body memories. However, I couldn’t resist him for long. I turned to him. He said that I was speaking lies. I was not a scourge. OH the broken pieces of me spilling out everywhere! What a mess! I totally lost it. I looked at his eyes, and could not handle the love pouring out! I felt so f-ed up! 
I didn’t hold back. Maybe if I just let it all go, he would get mad and leave. “What do you want from me? I am just this broken, f-ed up mess! Is this what you want? A woman who can’t have sex right now because her body won’t do what her heart wants her to? I have snot and tears everywhere, and I am just broken and f-ed up!!!!! Is this what you want??!!??”

He looked at me with such love and tears. He whispered with a strong voice, “Yes.” He said, “Rowena, all I have prayed for since we have been together is to have all of you, and finally, I see and do. You are so amazing and beautiful!” (Okay, I am about to cry typing this out. How I love this man!) He held me and caressed me for hours. I had body memories, and for the first time ever, I held Casey tighter. My body still goes against what my heart says, but I hold on to Casey instead of run. 

I said at the beginning that I thought that body memories had shattered my healing journey, but what my Gracious Redeemer has been doing is drawing me closer to Him. I have learned two very precious lessons this last week. The first lesson is that because of the finished work of the cross, I am not a scourge, but a beautiful blessing to my husband! The second lesson is that when I was letting Casey have it and asking him if he really wanted this broken, f-ed up women, I was really asking that of my LORD and Savior, who already made that decision when He called me His own. He wants me, all of me. Broken pieces and all. 

Body memories still come, but I now know that I only need to run TO  the arms of my Redeemer, as I run into the arms of my lover and husband. My body may break, but God created our two hearts to be one. My brokenness is beautiful to my husband. My broken, messy parts are what Christ wants so desperately to bind up and renew. I want to leave you with a few verses. 

Ephesians 5:22-33 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

Papa In You Alone

Silent Horrors fill the air,
How could he steal his daughter’s soul?
A Collision of seeds and her young womb screams,
“Who will this life be?”
“A Shame? A demon?
A daily reminder of these horrors to repeat?”
Month by month, change by change,
Her father’s child to come from her.

A Little baby crying , no real parents to love her.
Shame is her mother, Disgrace is her father.
Sent to a home named torment, full of lies, revulsion and insanity;
Her terror intensified as she came to understand that her body wasn’t hers.
In dismay and loathing, she would think, why should anyone care to love her?
After all, she was Just a product of violence, right?!
Shame is her mother and Disgrace is her father;
“Let them them have Me!!! Let them devour Me!!” She thought in self disgust.

But wait! A voice louder than thunder spoke. Rushing waters poured like a mighty wave.
“My daughter!” She heard, as her heart was soothed. and He gave her a name.
This moment happened before the violence,
Before the collision of seeds. Her eyes opened to see the unseen story. The Beauty.
How? You may wonder. You may even exclaim!
His Book gives the answers you seek.
Though no one thought her life had meaning or value,
He had the days of her life numbered before even one had ever happened.
He shaped and molded her body together, each intimate detail;
He hand-selected the color of paint for her eyes and hair, brushing each stroke to perfection.

Though He knew her adversity and pain that would scar her,
He had already redeemed her by His Son’s blood.
Her Kinsmen Redeemer never left her side,
As she trained and was equipped into the warrior-princess He called her to be.

Now she stands before you!

And I proudly praise the King of Kings!
Although my life was meant of be a curse of violence by the world and many around me,
The Lord Jesus is mighty to save!
This sinner, shameful and disgraced by my own sin and the many sins committed against me, has experienced a great exchange!
This Exchange is death for Life,
Given by Christ Jesus, through His finished work on the Cross!
Now My Father is the Holy and Anointed One, God the Father!
No longer a Disgrace or Shamed but His Daughter,


I want to give a few quick references to the book mentioned above. Psalm 139:13-16, Ephesians 1:4-5, Ephesians 2:10, Romans 8:14-17. Please Look up these verses in the Bible. If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask me questions. I would love to share my faith in Christ with you. If you are a Christ-follower, struggling with your identity and need encouragement, please reach out. I love you all with His love for you! Blessing to you.

I have already shared this on Facebook as a note, but I wanted it on my blog as well. It is important that the message that every life, no matter how it was conceived be fought for and valued. To all my readership, please like and share this on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you.

Have you every rested your head on your hand and heard your pulse? It is amazing to me to hear my pulse. I was reminded just how precious each heartbeat is. Take a moment, and join me as I explain. Earlier this week, I received a very hateful email in response to my story that has been featured on LifeSiteNew.com. The writer was venomous with her words. I have been encouraged to write a response to this email. Following some time of prayer and mediating on what the Lord wanted me to do, I have decided that for now, I want to address one sentence in the email.
The writer told me the following, “I would of aborted you instantly and if I was you, I would of prayed to have been aborted.” Let me tell you, I am a strong Christian. I know that I am loved and that Christ loved me so much He died for me, but reading those words hurt. More than I can put into words. To be told that she would have ABORTED me is telling me that she would have MURDERED me. To tell me that if she were me, she would have PRAYED to be ABORTED is to tell me that I should have PRAYED to be MURDERED! I am being told that my life is of no value even to myself! I had to remind myself that this writer must have much pain to spew such hate and that Satan must be really unhappy with what God is doing in my life to send his fiery darts at me. I had to remind myself that in Ephesians 2:10, I am told, ‘For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.’ (Read the entire chapter of Ephesians 2. It is so encouraging.)
I initially just tossed the email into the trash, but thought better of it. I shared the entire email with my closest family and friends to pray for me and with me. These type of emails are an attack. It opens several different windows into the hearts of those who call themselves “pro-choice” or ‘pro-abortion”. For this woman, I believe there was a wound, either for her or for someone she knew. Often when we are wounded, we speak from that pain. When we encounter this type of reaction, we must remember James 1:19-21-”Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” (Bold emphasis mine) Before we respond, we must seek what the Holy Spirit wants us to see and say.
My initial response was to throw away the attack. Harden my heart so that I would not get hurt by it. This would give the enemy victory. It would silence me. Instead, I will be quick to hear. I will hear the cry of the heart of a broken woman. Broken by life. So broken in fact, that she would prefer death of a life than to give life. I will hear the scream for love. Love? Yes, love! She may not realize it, but she desperately needs love, especially the love of ONE who can make her whole. We must show love and compassion to those who attack us. Jesus gave a beautiful example of this love and compassion on the cross in Luke 23:34a, “And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” This doesn’t excuse the behavior, but opens the door for repentance. As we are quick to hear, we leave room for a change of heart.
Next, we are instructed to be slow to speak. What does this mean in the context of the line from the email that I referenced above? When I read the words that she would have murdered me through abortion, and that she thinks that I should have wanted to be murdered through abortion, I want to argue with her about the insanity of her thoughts. I mean, any sane person wouldn’t say or write those words to another person! Often, when presented with untruth or hurtful comments, we feel the need to defend ourselves or our beliefs. However, if we take a moment to stop and pray, the Holy Spirit will give us the right words to say or not say. This woman has heard talking points. I will most likely not respond directly to her. I will pray for her. I will not right a hateful post about a hateful woman. Instead, I will enlighten my readership on how to glorify Christ in fighting the good fight in standing up for those lives affected by sexual assault conception.
After prayer and a time to cool down, I will speak loudly to proclaim God’s word over the lie that my life should have been murdered. We are told in Psalm 139:13-16, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” In Ephesians 1:4-5, we are told, that if we are believers in Christ, the following is the truth, “even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.”
Out of the three commands in James 1:19, slow to anger is the last last listed, but I think that it is the hardest to overcome. Is it wrong to get angry? No, I do not believe it is. The Bible tells us to be angry and not sin and to not give opportunity to the devil. (Ephesians 4:26-27) The command in James 1:19 is to be slow to anger. Why do you think that is? I think it is because often when we are angry, we cannot do what James 1:20-21 tells us, “for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” Ungodly anger leads to filth and wickedness. That is what led to the vile words within the email that was sent to me. For this reason, I must not respond with anger.
Do not misunderstand me. I do feel anger! How dare someone tell me that I should have been murdered! However, being slow to anger, I respond with gentleness and self-control, allowing the Holy Spirit to temper my thoughts and words. Through these actions, I hope to allow the Lord to work on my behalf. Through this process, I am able to express my thoughts and feelings on how this email has affected me. I can then explain how I am able to handle it.
If I had just trashed the email, I would have missed out on an opportunity to write about this experience. Every single circumstance is an open door to share what Christ is doing in my life. At the start of this blog, it was to be a few sentences long for a Facebook page post. As you can see, God had other ideas. I have been working long and hard behind the scenes this last year with Treasure of Virtue. Not much has happened on the Facebook page or in organization as a whole. You may be asking why I am bring this up in a blog about an vile email. The point is that earlier this year, I announced that I came up with a slogan for Treasure of Virtue: Every Heartbeat is a Treasure. By this woman attacking my very life, she highlighted the very reason that Treasure of Virtue exist.
As I continue to move forward, I know that hate mail will come reminding me that there are those who are hurt and angry. Those who believe that abortion in the case of sexual assault pregnancies will spew venomous world like those quoted above, but as long as I remember James 1:19-21, I will be able to speak the truth with confidence and love. I will be able to hear my heartbeat and know that Every Heartbeat is a Treasure.

When ‘The He’ Won’t Go Away

I started this blog back in November of 2016. It has been sitting in the draft folder all this time as I worked through the deep emotions that stirred it up. I am not as emotional as I was when I first wrote “When ‘The He’ Won’t Go Away”. I believe with all my heart that this blog still needs to be shared. So often survivors of sexual assault (sexual abuse, incest, rape, sexual exploitation, sex slavery, sex trafficking, sexual harassment, etc) are shamed because we struggle with our triggers. If we claim to be Christians, we are shamed and judged that we are not trusting in Jesus or not forgiving enough because of our struggles. For this reason, I have kept much of the raw emotion in this blog. So without further comment…

Recently, the face of my rapist of six years has been thrust in my face! My younger brother and sisters have decided to have a relationship with him. In doing so, they took individual pictures with him and posted them on Facebook. One sister even had it as her profile picture. My deepest grievance with them is that they didn’t talk to me, warn me or anything. I knew the day would come when they would reach out to this man. I just can’t help but think if they realize the depth of evil he put me through. I am not angry with them, just hurt. This will take time for me to process. I don’t know if I should even bring it up to them or not. Will they even listen or understand why I am hurt, scared, or sick at heart?

While I have forgiven all of my abusers and rapists, the fact is that, what they did to me will have life-long impacts. They stole my very dignity, my childhood, my ability to trust, and my ability to be loved without suspicion. These are just a few of the surface issues. Often the struggle of survivors of domestic violence, and sexual assault get labeled and then overlooked by those around us. We are told to get counseling and get over it. If we are Christians, we are told to forgive and forget. Jesus did! God chooses to remember our sins no more, but we as Christians are commanded to forgive as Christ has forgiven us. We are not commanded to forget. Jesus sure didn’t forget his scares. Actually, he pointed them out to his disciples.

Let me list some of the impacts that will never go away. My father forever changed my family tree. I will never, on this earth have a God-ordained father and mother as my children have. Even though my biological mom is alive and we have a good relationship, she wasn’t able to be a mom to me. My bio father took that from her and me. In my most honest moments, I feel like an orphan. There is a deep whole where the love of a father and mother go that is empty. (Christians, before you start, I know I am loved by the Father.) My father took that from me. My rapist of six years, whose face has blown up my Facebook, ruined any hope of an earthy father’s love with rape and sodomy. I will only ever have half-siblings. This is my reality. Because of what my father did, I fear guns and male strength. This is my reality. Am I healing? YES by the blood of Jesus! I know that I am loved. The emptiness is filled with Christ. The wounds and scars are still there!

My step-father changed my view of intimacy. To be loved, I had to perform sexual acts. When I wouldn’t, I was raped. I felt worthless, dirty and that I must have deserved it because I was conceived from rape. He pitted me against my mother. That I know of, he still blames me. He stole my body over and over for 6 years. He said that he would never let me go. His face appears when I least expect it. Writing about what happened during these six years is still the hardest for me. This is my reality. Am I healing? YES. For each thing I have put, I choose to forgive. I rest in the arms of the Father and trust that He is good.

I have often felt shame for sharing these parts of my journey. People have told me that I should be over it or not so emotional about what these men did to me. I have been asked how come I am still triggered after all these years? Shouldn’t it be easier by now? I have been told that I shouldn’t be a victim. I should JUST trust Jesus and it will all be okay. I am not a victim. I do TRUST Christ! He is my LIFELINE in a world that feels like it could crash around me at times. He is my cornerstone, my ROCK when the ground shakes beneath me.

Please don’t give me christianese when I start talking and shedding light on what one my rapist did to me. Sharing the abuse that my father and step-father did to me brings freedom not only to me but to others as well. Jesus is my Healer, and Redeemer, and He has made me whole.

I want to remind you of this: When I share that I am triggered or that my C-PTSD is screaming at me, it might make you uncomfortable. I don’t need polite platitudes, or inspirational quotes. A simple “I am sorry you are triggered.” or ” I don’t know what to say.” is okay. Just being there to let me process is what I need. Talk to me. Don’t hide what is hard. My life has been hard. As a survivor, I just want to be validated and believed. I want to be listened to and loved. And when “THE HE” won’t go away, I just want to be reassured that I am safe and that I am able to fight for me now. (My husband tells me that I could take HIM anytime.) Be my friend and lead me to the cross where my salvation comes from.

Finally, this all is a reminder that my rapists are guilty. Not me! None of them have “served justice” for the crimes committed against me. One died having never served a day in jail and the other “plead to a lesser charge”, serving only a fraction of what he would have been given. Please understand I am grieved today because of this injustice. I have forgiven. I know beyond a shadow of doubt that they will stand before God, and they will receive eternal justice. My father has died. I do not know if he was a repentant Christ follower or not. I do not know if he is in heaven or hell. My heart’s prayer is that He was covered by Christ’s blood and stands in Heaven. I don’t know. My step-father is alive and looks well. He has not repented for the crimes that he has committed. Because I have forgiven him, I hope that he is saved. I know that he will either suffer for eternity in hell if he rejects Christ, or will receive redemption, if he repents and follows Christ.

Because Jesus said, “IT IS FINISHED!”


Heart thoughts of a Redeemed Survivor

I want to share a page from my journal. For the past three weeks, I have been on a roller coaster of emotions. I faced a deep-rooted fear that was planted when I was around 4 years old. In the process of working through my healing, I had another blow that involved my rapist of 5 to 6 years. I know that the talk of rape and its effects is very uncomfortable for most people, but it is a very real horror with real, long lasting consequences. For the first time in 22 years, I may see a few of my rapist children. Even writing those words sends shivers down my spine and causes my stomach to turn. I share this because it occurred to me that there are other survivors of long-term and short-term rape/sexual assault who might have or will struggle with this very issue. Often, we are told that we are just emotional or taking things to personally. Well, I will tell you that it is very personal. So please read and share:

How one man can cause such deep pain and rifts breaks my heart. It has been 22 years since he got caught in his crime. His crimes against me went on for about 6 years. His crimes grossly affected me, but they also affected my loved ones. Sitting here, I have new realizations of how Christ protected me from a certain future. I am in anguish over the place I am in. My heart cries out words I can’t write because they are to graphic to repeat. I long to be understood but only He really knows. I forgive! I forgive! But the pain is real. The struggle is real! The wounds are real. The story isn’t fiction; it happened over and over, day and night. By His stripes, with His nail-scarred hands, beneath His blood, I am overcoming, but the pain, the choices I face, the choosing to feel! It is real!!! Sorrow, horror, anger, heartache, distress, pain: they are real for a crimes committed against me over and over again. I rest in His peace but must sit here in tears as He continues yet another open heart surgery on His redeemed daughter. No pain-numbing meds for me. I must face this. I must make this choice for my good and my children’s good. He is for me. He is protecting me. I only need His validation. He is with me. Release everyone else, their thoughts and choices and cling to Him for dear life! He is the only one who can know intimately the crimes that caused this heart attack.

~ The Heart Cries of His Redeemed Daughter

Thank you for sharing in my healing. Encourage the survivors in you life.